
Wtorek, 22 lipca 2008

Queen of the Rainbow

Ola Kuc entered the fete riding a little horse and surrounded with a royal entourage like a real princess; she then sat on a throne.
That's when nine kingdoms - the rainbow colours - came to bow to her and give gifts: rainbow flowers,a toy bear, magical lens and many more.
Oleńka, very happy, wearing a rainbow dress and bearing a crown on her head looked like a real Queen of the Rainbow.
That's how the most secret wish of Ola came true.

Ola Kuc attends the kindergarten at the Primary School no. 4 in Krzyszkowice and that's why the place's director, Maria Zdrożniak, decided to organise a charity ball entitled "The Rainbow Ball - let's help Ola".The ball abounded in all kinds of attractions.The families could partake in various competitions related to sport, music, art and chess.
Various stations were prepared as well where one could have a go at playing with clay or kite construction.

 It is certain the place enjoying most attention from the children was the "Pirate Slide" and a castle filled with the air, where the kids played even when it started to rain at the end of the event.
Each class from the school in Krzyszkowice prepared a music and dance presentation; there also was a performance by the team of Active Therapy Workshops in Podolany.
The Police of Wieliczka prepared a special show where dogs were presented reacting in the situations of bomb-related danger or of presence of dangerous, drunken persons.
Like in case of any traditional family fete, there were sweets for the children, grilled sausages and many other treats - nobody was left hungry.
Straight away state of individual health could be checked, as well - including blood pressure, glucose or cholesterol.
The last part of the fete was dedicated to the award of prizes in each of the contests.
A great many of prizes and distinctions were awarded' often even the 10th place holders did receive a prize.
All the time a lottery draw was on, the main prize of which was a mountain bike.
At the end of the fete the competition concerning the most numerous family attending the event came to its end as well. The winners were the Wysocki Family from Wieliczka, who received a bicycle funded by the Mayor of Wieliczka.