
Czwartek, 18 września 2008

The Integrated Information System in the Wieliczka Town Office

The comprehensive implementation of the system is being planned for the end of June next year.

The information systems which are presently in use in the Wieliczka Town and Municipality Office were implemented in the Nineties by the means of the effective technology of the time.

In connection with the dynamic development in the area of computerisation the solutions applied in those days are not functional and serviceable anymore. Neither do they ensure the presently required standard of system integration.

The modern Integrated Information System shall be implemented by degrees, where the final effect of the works is activation of the e-Office system, thanks to which the residents of the Wieliczka municipality shall have easier access not only to the public info but to the "personalized data" as well.

After acquisition of an individual access password, the municipal residents shall be able to obtain information such as:the amount of rate instalments, the payments made, the mode of rate calculation etc.The system shall make use of the data included in the land and buildings records - among others - the County Office.

The agreement concluded today also anticipates the supply and the implementation of a system enabling streamlining activities of the Office - the workplace. The integrated system shall enable introduction of - among others - the Working Time Register and shall also allow exchange of information between the Office and the secondary units concerning the budget and the range of its utilization.