
Wtorek, 30 grudnia 2008

The prize-winning works concerning Wieliczka

On application of the Competition Committee the Mayor of Wieliczka awarded the first prize in the category “theses” to Agnieszka Mleczko for the work entitled “The suggestions concerning utilization of the Krzyszkowicki Wood.

Two distinctions were awarded in the same category to Anna Kowal and Rafał Zawadzki.

The prizes in the competition concerning the Wieliczka Municipality are being awarded in three categories: masters theses, licentiate theses and concept studies along with an application for the award of the financial means from the aid funds.

The aim of the competition is arousing the students’ interest in the local subject-matter as well as encouragement to deepen the knowledge related to the little homeland.

The submitted works are an interesting way of promoting the land of Wieliczka. The winners shall receive financial prizes.

This year six theses and one licentiate work were submitted; the latter one unfortunately not fulfilling the competition’s regulations (the thesis hasn’t been defended in the year 2008).

The competition committee comprising of the following members - Henryk Gawor – the committee’s chairman along with Agnieszka Szczepaniak and Agnieszka Wolańska – the committee’s members awarded the main prize to Agnieszka Mleczko for the masters thesis mentioned earlier in the article.

The distinctions, on the other hand, were awarded to Anna Kowal for the work entitled “The role of tourism in the strategy of development of the municipality based on the example of the Wieliczka municipality” and to Rafał Zawadzki for the thesis entitled “The hydrological conditions in the protective pier of the “Barycz” Salt Mine and the “Wieliczka” Salt Mine.

In accordance with the competition’s regulations the presentation of the prizes shall take place during the upcoming session of the City Council of Wieliczka.

We congratulate the winners and encourage preparation of works related to Wieliczka in the third – next - edition of the competition!