Great music works and performers in Wieliczka

On 26th September a successive meeting of the cycle "Great music works and performers in Wieliczka" organised by the Society Promoting the Young Artists and the First Degree Music School of Wieliczka, took place in the Gothic Chamber of the Cracow's Saline Works Museum.

The project was created with financial assistance of the Wieliczka Municipality. The performers were: Anna Terlecka - soprano, Stanisław Kierner - baritone and Paulina Tkaczyk - harpsichord.

The works by A.Vivaldi, G.F.Haendel, J.Barriere, G.Caccini, J.S.Bach and G.Donizetti performed by the young, talented artists perfectly corresponded to the Gothic Chamber's decorations.The concert was preceded by the workshops entitled "The art of cooperation of the soloist and the accompanist", conducted by Stanisław Kierner, the didactic worker of the Music Academy in Łódź.

During the workshops, the artists acquainted the apprentices of the music craft with the delicate relations taking place between the voice and the musical realization of the piece.The workshops which took place in the rooms of the music school met with very good reception among the pupils.According to their opinions meeting with the real art gives a lot of energy in order to create masterful artism while performing particular music pieces.
